Writing exellence for awesome content
Writing exellence for awesome content
Writing exellence for awesome content

A writer's journey
Remember your high school teacher’s lectures on noun-verb agreement, misplaced modifiers, and dangling participles? I remembered those writing rules. And I’m glad I did because the rules of flawless grammar still apply in the work I do as a professional writer.
After earning a B.A. degree from Temple University, I became a seasoned writer and content creator in internal communication, public relations, media relations, and public policy.
And before I went solo as a freelance writer, I was an editor and, later, a senior editor of national business publications for two major publishing firms — Simon & Schuster and Aspen Publishers.
Media mentions have dubbed my work as "must reads," "most popular reads," and ground-breaking, among other distinctions. Also, the media has quoted me as an authority on best business pracrices.
My mission is sharing what I know with up-and-coming authors and nonwriters alike. In fact, here’s a cheat sheet for tackling some of the toughest grammatical challenges.
Finally, I strive to give my clients exceptional writing services, because they deserve no less.
Val Bolden-Barrett
Business Writer & Content Creator
World-class authors on writing excellence...

“Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader – not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.”
E. L. Doctorow
What is the essence of the art of writing? Part One: Have something to say. Part Two: Say it well.”
Edward Abbey